Listen to Pandora by Tony Massarelli, 21 Shazams. Connect to Apple Music to play songs in full within Shazam. Pandora is the last, forced to walk the world for eternity to experience the pain she wrought by releasing the spirits of evil upon man, as well as receiving scars on her face that would burn without relief and be forced to feel the ruin of the world with the whole of her being. Returning to Earth, her tribe have all died, the spirits long gone. Listen to Pandora by Blame Connor & X-Ray, 1,080 Shazams. Listen to Pandora by Ard Matthews, 1,863 Shazams.
Shazam Pandora
How to transfer playlists from Shazam to Pandora?
Soundiiz can transfer Shazam list to Pandora as a playlist or in the list of your favorite tracks. The steps below show you the process of exporting your Shazam library and songs to Pandora.
Download CSV file from Shazam
- Open Shazam web interface and go to My Library
- Select Download CSV option in the top of the list
- On Soundiiz, go to the Playlists tab and choose Import Playlist / From File
- Upload the .csv file and confirm to import your Shazam list to Pandora
Slik overfører du spillelister fra Shazam til Pandora
Soundiiz can transfer Shazam list to Pandora as a playlist or in the list of your favorite tracks. The steps below show you the process of exporting your Shazam library and songs to Pandora.
Shazam Or Pandora
Download CSV file from Shazam
- Open Shazam web interface and go to My Library
- Select Download CSV option in the top of the list
- On Soundiiz, go to the Playlists tab and choose Import Playlist / From File
- Upload the .csv file and confirm to import your Shazam list to Pandora