Chambers Dictionary

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Related to Chambers: Robert Chambers, chambers of commerce

The Chambers Dictionary download size is about 18MB, and does not include audio pronunciations. Chambers Thesaurus 5th Edition A comprehensive thesaurus with nearly 40 000 distinct indexed words. The Chambers Thesaurus is a veritable treasure-trove, with the greatest selection of alternative words and phrases available in an A to Z format. Chambers is one of the world's most respected dictionary publishers, appealing particularly to word lovers and those who revel in all the quirks of the English language.


2. A room where a person of authority, rank, or importance receives visitors.
3. chambers The private office where the judge consults with parties and conducts business not required to be brought in open court.
4. chambersChiefly British A suite of rooms, especially one used by lawyers.
5. A hall for the meetings of a legislative or other assembly.
7. A board or council.
8. A place where municipal or state funds are received and held; a treasury.
a. An enclosed space or compartment: the chamber of a pump; a compression chamber.
b. An enclosed space in the body of an organism; a cavity: the four chambers of the heart.
a. A compartment in a firearm, as in the breech of a rifle or the cylinder of a revolver, that holds the cartridge in readiness for firing.
b. An enclosed space in the bore of a gun that holds the charge.
tr.v.cham·bered, cham·ber·ing, cham·bers
2. To design or manufacture (a firearm) to hold a specific type of cartridge.
3. To furnish with a chamber or chambers: tombs that were chambered.
[Middle English chaumbre, from Old French chambre, from Late Latin camera, chamber, from Latin, vault, from Greek kamarā.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈtʃeɪmbəz) pl n
1. (Law) a judge's room for hearing cases not taken in open court
2. (Law) (in England) the set of rooms occupied by barristers where clients are interviewed (in London, mostly in the Inns of Court)
4. (Law) (in the US) the private office of a judge
5. (Law) in chambers law
b. in a court not open to the public. Former name for sense 5: in camera
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
Noun1.Chambers - English architect (1723-1796)
Sir William Chambers, William Chambers
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Chambers Dictionary Apk

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(Redirected from Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary)

The Chambers Dictionary (TCD) was first published by William and Robert Chambers as Chambers's English Dictionary in 1872. It was an expanded version of Chambers's Etymological Dictionary of 1867, compiled by James Donald. A second edition came out in 1898, and was followed in 1901 by a new compact edition called Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary.[1]

Chambers dictionary of synonyms and antonyms

TCD is widely used by British crossword solvers and setters, and by Scrabble players (though it is no longer the official Scrabble dictionary). It contains many more dialectal, archaic, unconventional and eccentric words than its rivals, and is noted for its occasional wryly humorous definitions. Examples of such definitions include those for éclair ('a cake, long in shape but short in duration') and middle-aged ('between youth and old age, variously reckoned to suit the reckoner').[2] These jocular definitions were removed by the publisher in the 1970s, but many of them were reinstated in 1983 because of the affection in which they were held by readers.

The twelfth edition of The Chambers Dictionary was published in August 2011 by Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd and runs to 1936 pages with 62,500 main entries.[3] This edition is available for mobile use as an iPhone, iPad, or Android app. That has been followed by the thirteenth edition published in 2014. Also on sale is the smaller 21st Century Dictionary of 1664 pages, where 'the focus is on the English that people use today, and definitions are given in straightforward, accessible language'. This dictionary can be accessed for free online.


In an agreement with Mattel's predecessor, J. W. Spear & Sons, the Chambers Dictionary was, for several decades, the official source of words for the book Official Scrabble Words (OSW), a lexicon of all words and inflections playable in tournament Scrabble within the UK and other countries such as New Zealand and Australia. In 2005, Mattel changed the source dictionary to Collins English Dictionary.

Chambers Dictionary Apk

See also[edit]


Chambers Dictionary Of Etymology

  1. ^Words, Wit and Wisdom: 100 Years of the Chambers Dictionary, compiled by Ian Brookes, Jamie Nathan and Hazel Norris. Edinburgh: Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd, 2001. ISBN0-550-10015-6.
  2. ^Manley, Don (2001) [1986]. 'The Basic Advanced Cryptic Crossword'. Chambers Crossword Manual (Third ed.). Edinburgh: Chambers. p. 91. ISBN0-550-12006-8. If you pause to read Chambers while solving a puzzle, you may also find some quirky definitions in the best Johnsonian tradition: try ECLAIR and MIDDLE AGE for example.
  3. ^Kaminski, Mariusz (2013). A History of the Chambers Dictionary. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 95–96.

External links[edit]

Chambers Dictionary Free Download

  • Chambers's Etymological Dictionary of the English Language
    • 1st edition, impressions: 1867, 1872, 1874, 1875, 1876.
    • 2nd edition, impressions: 1900
  • Chambers's English Dictionary (1872)
  • Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary
    • A 1903 impression
  • Chambers Dictionary History and Trivia including some of the famous 'Chambersisms'

Chambers Dictionary Of World History

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