
Compass is a unique mining and hosting platform. Launched by the team at HASHR8, Compass makes Bitcoin mining profitable for all. Surah Al-Hashr(الحشر) 59:1 Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth glorifies Allah. For He is the Almighty, All-Wise. Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth exalts Allah, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.2. It is He who expelled the ones who disbe. Join us in building the next version of Quran.com Your support will accelerate the roadmap of new features by 7x and further develop Quran.com as an open-source, un-biased, and non-sectarian source for Quranic study. Whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth glorifies Allah.And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. He it is Who drove out the disbelievers among the people of the Scripture (i.e. The Jews of the tribe of Bani An-Nadir) from their homes at the first gathering.

Surah al hashr 22-24
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Prince Hashr
NPC Info
LocationPast Almuj, Royal Residence
I am Emperor Hashr. I once ruled this land with pride and prosperity. But a betrayal from my own kind sealed my fate.
~ Hashr

Hashr is the boss of the Sand-Swept Tomb Dungeon, as well as a significant character in the Storyline of the Desert.

Combat[edit | edit source]

Hashr is the boss of Sand-Swept Tombdungeon. His first phase is somewhat simple, as he only has Charge and 3800 HP, which is somewhat challenging at level, but should not be anything too huge. The fight will then start to ramp up in difficulty when the first phase is defeated, as the floor will collapse and reveal the arena of the second phase. Hashr now deals damage in the Thunder element, now has 8000 HP, and gains a Multihit ability, making him very dangerous to a class with low defense and mobility, such as a Shaman. Once the second phase is defeated, Hashr will be on his third and final phase, which makes him become faster and gain a Vanish ability. However, now he only has 4000 HP, prioritizing offense over defense. The third phase also has a Charge AI, meaning that Hashr's movements aren't as accurate.

Hashr (Phase 1)
AI TypeUnknown AI
Elemental Properties

ImageNameLevelHealthAI TypeAbilitiesElemental StatsDrop(s)Location
Hashr (Phase 1)403800MeleeCharge-Hashr (Phase 2)Sand-Swept Tomb
Hashr (Phase 2)458000MeleeMultihit,
Thunder: DamageHashr (Phase 3)Sand-Swept Tomb
Hashr (Phase 3)454000ChargeMultihit,
Thunder: Damage-Sand-Swept Tomb

Lore[edit | edit source]

For more information, please see The Desert Empire.

Hashr was the 26th son of the Emperor of a massive empire ruling over the sands, while also being very advanced in technology at the time. Hashr later became more wrought with greed, and also looked for more power. As such, he traveled outside the walls, and later learned that his father was not as powerful as he seemed, as all of his power came from a scepter. Being controlled only by his greed and envy, he cold-bloodedly murdered the Emperor on the spot, which caused massive sandstorms to spread across the Almuj Desert. Hashr panicked, and left the sceptre in a spot of the Desert where no one would have been able to find it. Hashr later died and was buried in the Sand-Swept Tomb, and later became an undead, although it is unconfirmed if it was by the Corruption, although it could be a likely candidate.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The word 'hashr' means 'exile' or 'banishment' in old Arabic

Surah Hashr Urdu Translation

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Sabba h a lill a hi m a fee a l ssam a w a ti wam a fee alar d i wahuwa alAAazeezu al h akeem u
Huwa alla th ee akhraja alla th eena kafaroo min ahli alkit a bi min diy a rihim liawwali al h ashri m a th anantum an yakhrujoo wa th annoo annahum m a niAAatuhum h u s oonuhum mina All a hi faat a humu All a hu min h aythu lam ya h tasiboo waqa th afa fee quloobihimu a l rruAAba yukhriboona buyootahum biaydeehim waaydee almumineena fa i AAtabiroo y a olee alab sa r i
Walawl a an kataba All a hu AAalayhimu aljal a a laAAa thth abahum fee a l dduny a walahum fee al a khirati AAa tha bu a l nn a r i


Tha lika biannahum sh a qqoo All a ha warasoolahu waman yush a qqi All a ha fainna All a ha shadeedu alAAiq a b i
M a qa t aAAtum min leenatin aw taraktumooh a q a imatan AAal a o s oolih a fabii th ni All a hi waliyukhziya alf a siqeen a
Wam a af a a All a hu AAal a rasoolihi minhum fam a awjaftum AAalayhi min khaylin wal a rik a bin wal a kinna All a ha yusalli t u rusulahu AAal a man yash a o wa A ll a hu AAal a kulli shayin qadeer un
M a af a a All a hu AAal a rasoolihi min ahli alqur a falill a hi wali l rrasooli wali th ee alqurb a wa a lyat a m a wa a lmas a keeni wa i bni a l ssabeeli kay l a yakoona doolatan bayna alaghniy a i minkum wam a a t a kumu a l rrasoolu fakhu th oohu wam a nah a kum AAanhu fa i ntahoo wa i ttaqoo All a ha inna All a ha shadeedu alAAiq a b i
Lilfuqar a i almuh a jireena alla th eena okhrijoo min diy a rihim waamw a lihim yabtaghoona fa d lan mina All a hi wari d w a nan wayan s uroona All a ha warasoolahu ol a ika humu a l ssa diqoon a
Wa a lla th eena tabawwaoo a l dd a ra wa a leem a na min qablihim yu h ibboona man h a jara ilayhim wal a yajidoona fee s udoorihim ha jatan mimm a ootoo wayuthiroona AAal a anfusihim walaw k a na bihim kha sas atun waman yooqa shu hh a nafsihi faol a ika humu almufli h oon a
Wa a lla th eena j a oo min baAAdihim yaqooloona rabban a ighfir lan a waliikhw a nin a alla th eena sabaqoon a bi a leem a ni wal a tajAAal fee quloobin a ghillan lilla th eena a manoo rabban a innaka raoofun ra h eem un
Alam tara il a alla th eena n a faqoo yaqooloona liikhw a nihimu alla th eena kafaroo min ahli alkit a bi lain okhrijtum lanakhrujanna maAAakum wal a nu t eeAAu feekum a h adan abadan wain qootiltum lanan s urannakum wa A ll a hu yashhadu innahum lak ath iboon a
Lain okhrijoo l a yakhrujoona maAAahum walain qootiloo l a yan s uroonahum walain na s aroohum layuwallunna aladb a ra thumma l a yun s aroon a
Laantum ashaddu rahbatan fee s udoorihim mina All a hi tha lika biannahum qawmun l a yafqahoon a
L a yuq a tiloonakum jameeAAan ill a fee quran mu h a ss anatin aw min war a i judurin basuhum baynahum shadeedun ta h sabuhum jameeAAan waquloobuhum shatt a tha lika biannahum qawmun l a yaAAqiloon a
Kamathali alla th eena min qablihim qareeban tha qoo wab a la amrihim walahum AAa tha bun aleem un
Kamathali a l shshay ta ni i th q a la lilins a ni okfur falamm a kafara q a la innee bareeon minka innee akh a fu All a ha rabba alAA a lameen a
Fak a na AA a qibatahum a annahum a fee a l nn a ri kh a lidayni feeh a wa tha lika jaz a o a l thth a limeen a
Y a ayyuh a alla th eena a manoo ittaqoo All a ha waltan th ur nafsun m a qaddamat lighadin wa i ttaqoo All a ha inna All a ha khabeerun bim a taAAmaloon a

Surah Al Hashr

Wal a takoonoo ka a lla th eena nasoo All a ha faans a hum anfusahum ol a ika humu alf a siqoon a
L a yastawee a s ha bu a l nn a ri waa s ha bu aljannati a s ha bu aljannati humu alf a izoon a
Law anzaln a h atha alqur a na AAal a jabalin laraaytahu kh a shiAAan muta s addiAAan min khashyati All a hi watilka alamth a lu na d ribuh a li l nn a si laAAallahum yatafakkaroon a
Huwa All a hu alla th ee l a il a ha ill a huwa AA a limu alghaybi wa al shshah a dati huwa a l rra h m a nu a l rra h eem u
Huwa All a hu alla th ee l a il a ha ill a huwa almaliku alquddoosu a l ssal a mu almuminu almuhayminu alAAazeezu aljabb a ru almutakabbiru sub ha na All a hi AAamm a yushrikoon a
Huwa All a hu alkh a liqu alb a rio almu s awwiru lahu alasm a o al h usn a yusabbi h u lahu m a fee a l ssam a w a ti wa a lar d i wahuwa alAAazeezu al h akeem u