This post will quickly guide about how to Linux get ip address, subnet and related networking information.
Ifconfig – command for Linux get ip address:
In Linux in order to check or get Linux ip address you need to use command “/sbin/ifconfig”.Along with the ip address it also It displays Mac address, subnet mask and other information.
Sample Output
To get only the ip address in the above out put which will also remove loop back lo entry from the output use below command:
Helm Version Command
As per the output above “” is the ip address of the Linux system which is being assigned to the interface eth0.
In case you have multiple interface card or Ethernet card such eth0, eth1 … ethn. Then to get ip address of specific Ethernet you need to specify in the ifconfig command as below.
ip addr show – command for Linux get ip address:
The following are some Standard Helm Commands. The helmsman repeats each command back to the coxswain before executing the command. This is done to ensure that the helmsman fully understands the command. If the helmsman didn’t hear or understand the command, s/he shall call out, “Command?”. The coxswain will repeat the given command. LZone Cheats Sheets. Helm Cheat Sheet Edit Cheat Sheet. Note: this cheat sheet is now Helm3 only. For instructions check here. Contents 1 To install Device Manager 1.1 To start device manager 1.2 To configure the gaent 2 CCI Reference 2.1 To install CCI 2.2 Create startup script 3 To display pair status with hex ID(-fcex).
Cheat Sheet Recipes
As per the recommendation we must use ip addr show in Linux get ip address.
ip r l -command for Linux get ip address:
Helm Commands Cheat Sheets
There is one more easy to use command in Linux to get or find ip address , as below: