
Jun 25th, 2015
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  2. #
  3. # This example file shows you how to set up a basic drop table.
  4. # Drop tables can be used in both a mob's equipment and drops
  5. SkeletonKingDrops:
  6. - KingsCrown 1 0.01
  7. - exp 100
  8. ITEMS
  9. # This example file shows you how to set up special items
  10. SkeletonKingSword:
  11. Data: 0
  12. Lore:
  13. - '&6the King of Skeletons.'
  14. - DAMAGE_ALL:5
  15. - FIRE_ASPECT:2
  16. Health: 10
  17. KingsCrown:
  18. Data: 0
  19. Display: '&dCrown of the King'
  20. - '&6A kingly crowl that grants'
  21. Enchantments:
  24. Health: 10
  25. BanditTunic:
  26. Display: '&aBandit Tunic'
  27. - '&6A leather tunic taken from'
  28. Options:
  29. MOBS
  30. #
  31. # These example files show you some of the basic attributes and
  32. # skills MythicMobs can use. Far more is possible!
  34. Health: 40
  35. Drops:
  36. DropsPerLevel:
  37. LevelModifiers:
  38. - damage 0.5
  39. MovementSpeed: 0.1
  40. Type: SHEEP
  41. Health: 100
  42. Options:
  43. DamageModifiers:
  44. - FIRE 0.5
  45. - lightning @LivingInRadius{r=10} ~onTimer:100
  46. Type: SLIME
  47. Health: 100
  48. Options:
  49. MovementSpeed: 0.1
  50. PreventOtherDrops: true
  51. KnockbackResistance: 1
  52. - skill{s=AngrySludgePoison} 0.2
  54. Health: 500
  55. Skills:
  56. - message{cooldown=20;m='<><&co> None may challenge the Skeleton King!'} @PlayersInRadius{r=40} ~onCombat >0 0.2
  57. - message{m='<><&co> Ahahahahah! Die, <>!'} @PlayersInRadius{r=40} ~onPlayerKill >0 1
  58. - skill{s=SmashAttack} @Target >0 0.2
  59. - KingsCrown:4
  60. Drops:
  61. Options:
  62. MovementSpeed: 0.2
  63. PreventOtherDrops: true
  64. Type: SKELETON
  65. Health: 10
  66. Options:
  67. -------------------------------
  68. -------------------------------
  69. # These example files show you some VERY basic meta skills.
  70. # You can copy and expand them however you'd like.
  71. Cooldown: 8
  72. - targetwithin 25
  73. - message{cooldown=30;m='<><&co> Hahahah! I will crush you, fool!'} @PlayersInRadius{r=40}
  74. - effect:sound{s=mob.endermen.portal;volume=1.0;pitch=0.5}
  75. - damage{amount=5;ignorearmor=true} @PlayersInRadius{r=5}
  76. - throw{velocity=10;velocityY=5} @PlayersInRadius{r=5}
  77. SummonSkeletons:
  78. Skills:
  79. - message{m='<><&co> Arise, my minions!'} @PlayersInRadius{r=40}
  80. - summon{mob=SkeletalMinion;amount=2;noise=5} @Self
  81. - summon{mob=SkeletalMinion;amount=2;noise=5} @Self
  82. - summon{mob=SkeletalMinion;amount=2;noise=5} @Self
  83. Cooldown: 10
  84. - potion{type=POISON;lvl=2;duration=100} @PlayersInRadius{r=15}
  85. - effect:particles{p=happyVillager;amount=1000;hSpread=15;ySpread=1;speed=0;yOFfset=0.5} @Self

Server for the MythicCraft community, a collection of the best Minecraft RPG plugins available. 7,683 members. Mob Options This is a database of all options available when creating a mob in MythicMobs. These options go under the Options tag like so: VeryFastSkeleton: Type: skeleton Display: 'Very Fast Skeleton' Options: MovementSpeed: 0.3 NoDamageTicks: 50 Universal options. Good luck.Music: MythicMobs is a complex plugin that can be confusing to start out with due to the incredible number of features and the immense amount of customization you can do. To get the most out of it, make sure you join the huge, active MythicMobs community to get help and support, either on our Discord Server or Forums, where you can ask questions, get.

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Skill Mechanics (or base skills) are simple skills that are built intoMythicMobs. You can call these basic skills by themselves in your mob'sSkill List, or you can create your own skill by combining thesemechanics.

Some Mechanics are able to target Entities, Locations, or both! Somedon't target anything. You control what your skill targets using aTargeter.


These skills usually target entities (players or other mobs), but someare able to target locations as well.

Activate SpawnerActivates a MythicMobs spawner at the targeted location
Animate ArmorStandAnimates an armorstand
Arrow VolleyFires a volley of arrows
AuraRemoveRemoves an aura from the target entity
BarCreateCreates a custom boss bar on the casting mob
BarSetModifies a custom boss bar on the casting mob
BarRemoveRemoves a custom boss bar on the casting mob
BreakBlockBreaks the block at the target location
Close InventoryCloses the target player's inventory
CommandExecutes a command for each target
ConsumeDeals damage and restores health per target hit
DisengageClears the caster's target
DisguiseChanges the caster's disguise
DisguiseTargetChanges the target's disguise
UndisguiseRemove the caster's disguise
DismountMakes the caster dismount whatever they're riding
ClearThreatMakes a mob clear its threat table
Currency GiveGive money to a player. Requires Vault and a currency plugin
Currency TakeTake money from a player. Requires Vault and a currency plugin
DamageDamages the target for an amount
BaseDamageDamages the target for a percent of the mob's damage stat
Percent DamageDamages the target for a percent of their health
DecapitateDrops a player head item based on target
DopplegangerCopies the appearance of the target player
DropItemDrops an item or droptable at the target location
Eject PassengerEjects anything riding the caster
EquipCauses the casting mob to equip an item
ExplosionCauses an explosion
Extinguishremoves fire ticks from the target entity
FeedFeeds the target player
FlyApplies an aura that allows the target to fly
Force PullTeleports the target to the mob
GlowMakes the target glow
Give ItemGives an item to the target
HealHeals the target
HealPercentHeals the target for a percentage of its max-health
IgniteSets the target on fire
JSON MessageSends a JSON-format message to the target player(s)
JumpCauses the caster to jump
LeapCauses the caster to leap towards the target
LightningStrikes lightning at the target
LookCauses the caster to look at the target
LungeCauses the caster to lunge forward at the target
MessageSends a message to the target player(s)
Modify Global ScoreModifies a global scoreboard value
Modify Target ScoreModifies a scoreboard value of the target
Modify ScoreModifies the score of a dummy player
MountSummons a mob for the caster and mounts it
Mount MeForces the target entity to mount the caster
Mount TargetMounts the target
OxygenGives oxygen to a player target
PoseArmorStandChanges the pose of the target ArmorStand
PotionApplies a potion effect to the target
PotionClearRemoves all potion effects from target entity
PrisonImprisons the target inside a block
PullPulls the target towards the mob
PushButtonPushes a button at the target location
RayTraceTraces a straight line to the target
RallyCauses other nearby mobs to attack the target
Random MessageSends a random message to the target player
RemountRemounts the mob the caster originally spawned riding, if it is still alive
RemoveRemoves the target mob
RemoveHeldItemRemoves some of the item the target player is holding
RemoveOwnerRemoves the ownership of the target mob
Run AI Goal SelectorChange PathfinderAIGoals
Run AI Target SelectorChange PathfinderTargetGoals
Send Action MessageSends an Actionbar Message to the target player
Send Resource PackSends a Resource Pack to the target player
Send Title MessageSends a Title/Subtitle Message to the target player
Send ToastSends an achievement toast to the target player
Set AIDisables/enables the AI of the target mob
Set Block TypeChange block type at target location
Set Game ModeSets the Game Mode of the target player
Set GlidingMakes the target glide if they have elytra
Set Global ScoreSets a global scoreboard value
Set GravitySets whether gravity affects the target entity
Set HealthSets the health of the target entity
Set LevelChanges the casting mob's level
Set Max HealthSets the max health of the target entity
Set Mob ColorChanges the color of the target if it is a colorable mob
Set Mob ScoreSets a scoreboard value on the casting mob
Set NameChanges the target entity's name
Set NoDamageTickssets the nodamageticks of the target
Set OwnerMakes the target the owner of the casting mob
Set RotationSets the rotation of the target
Set Target ScoreSets the score of the target
Set ScoreSets the scoreboard value of a dummy player
Set SpeedSets the target entity's speed attribute
Set StanceSets the stance of the target mob
ShieldApplies an absorb shield to the target entity
ShieldPercentApplies an absorb shield to the target entity for a percentage of their max health
Shoot FireballShoots a fireball at the target
Shoot PotionThrows a potion at the target
Shoot SkullShoots a wither skull at the target
SignalSends a signal to a mob
SpeakCauses the mob to speak in chat, with options for speech bubbles
SpringCreates a temporary spring of liquid at the target
StunStuns the target entity
SuicideCauses the caster to die
SummonSummons other mobs at the target
SwapSwaps locations with the target
Add TagAdds a scoreboard tag to the target
Remove TagRemoves a scoreboard tag from the target
TeleportTeleports to the target
TeleportToTeleports the target to a specified location
ThreatModifies the mob's threat towards the target
ThrowThrows the target entity
Toggle LeverToggles a lever at the target location
VelocityModifies the velocity of the target entity(s)
WeatherModifies the weather in the target world
WolfSitModifies the target wolves position

Effect Mechanics

Effects are mechanics that add special effects to your skills. They havetheir own page!

Advanced/Meta Mechanics


These skill mechanics have special advanced functions, and most are usedto call other skills. If you specify a target, all other skills calledby these will 'inherit' the targets (if applicable).

Mythicmobs Download

SkillExecutes a meta-skill. The butter for your bread.
AuraUsed to create custom status effects (buffs/debuffs) that can be targeted onto entities
CancelEventCancel the Event that triggered the current skill-tree
Cast'Casts' a meta-skill using various advanced options
ChainChains a skill between multiple targets that are near each other.
ChainMissileA missile that chains between entities. Premium-Only mechanic!
DelayDelays execution of the current skill list
Global CooldownSets the caster's Global Cooldown timer
MissileFires a homing missile projectile
onAttackApplies an aura to the target that triggers skills when they attack
onDamagedApplies an aura to the target that triggers skills when they take damage
onShootApplies an aura to the target that triggers skills when they shoot a bow
OrbitalApplies an aura that causes a projectile to orbit around the target
ProjectileFires a highly-customizable projectile towards the target
ShootShoots a projectile-item at the target
VolleyShoots a volley of projectile-items at the target with various options
SudoSkillMakes the target execute a skill
Random SkillExecutes a random skill from a list
TotemCreates a static 'totem' at a location that pulses other skills
Variable AddAdds an amount to a numeric variable
Variable MathPerforms math on a numeric variable
Set VariableSets the value of a variable
Variable SubtractSubtracts an amount from a numeric variable

Universal Attributes


The following attributes are applicable to all mechanics.

Mythicmobs Triggers

cooldowncdIn seconds0
delayDelays the execution of the mechanic0
repeatHow many times the mechanic should be repeated0
repeatIntervalHow many ticks must elapse between repetitions0

Mythic Mobs Plugin

Upcoming Mechanics

These mechanics are currently being worked on and will be in futurereleases of the plugin. Some mechanics listed here are already included,but not yet ready for use.



TimeChanges the time